I am currently in my first year of teaching 8th grade math and science. I am already looking forward to next year! I was an emergency hire so I did not have the opportunity to prepare or design my classroom.
I am very excited to put my classroom together for the next school year and I have some theme ideas but I would love some suggestions:
1. A Series of Unfortunate Events: I could hang black paper birds on a wire throughout the classroom, my news bulletin board could be called The Daily Punctillio...
2. Harry Potter: I read a great buzzfeed article about a teacher who had a Harry Potter themed classroom and it was magical. Click here to read the article.
3. Alice in Wonderland: Im a little "iffy" about this one. I have a 9:1 boy/girl ratio this year and who knows about next year. Is this still a viable classroom theme?
Does anyone have other ideas? I will be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks!!
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